英会話 その19


Strong – 強調する表現

absolutely, altogether, awfully, completely, greatly, highly, quite, terribly, totally, very, entirely, exceptionally, extremely, fully, highly, increasingly

Moderate – ほどほどな程度を表現

fairly, mildly, moderately, partly, reasonably, somewhat, quite

Weak – 弱める表現

a bit, a little, marginally, poorly, slightly, rather

quite は色々な解釈ができ、文脈で判断するしかありません。

I quite agree. 全く同感だ。

Flying is quite the best way to travel. 飛行機は旅行するに本当にベストな方法だ。

You’ll be quite comfortable here. ここでは君はすごく快適にすごせるよ。

He plays quite well. 彼はまあまあ上手だね。

I quite like opera. 私はほどほどにオペラが好きです。

